Funerals at Calvary

“All of us go down to the dust; yet even at the grave we make our song: 
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.”
–The Book of Common Prayer, p. 499

The funeral liturgy is an Easter liturgy that finds its meaning in the resurrection. Yet even Jesus wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus, making our grief a holy expression of sorrow and love. The death of a loved one is one of the most challenging and painful things we experience in life and Calvary’s clergy, staff and parishioners are here to walk with you, plan a meaningful service and pray for God to strengthen you with peace.

At the Time of Death

Prior to or at the time of death, please notify Father Matt or call the church office at (512) 303-7515. Father Matt will meet with you to assist with funeral arrangements and to provide encouragement and support.

Planning Your Funeral Service

The most meaningful funeral services are those planned in part by the person who is remembered. Following the outline of the Book of Common Prayer, we have a workbook in which you can choose Scripture readings, music, who speaks and other ways to make your service special. After you’ve completed the workbook, please email it to so it can be added to the church’s files. Father Matt is also glad to meet with you and assist in completing the workbook. 

Calvary is not a for-rent funeral venue. If you are part of the Calvary community and need to discuss having a funeral, please contact the church office.

Funeral Receptions

Following a funeral service, you may want to host a funeral reception in our Parish Hall. The Daughters of the King can provide light refreshments and finger foods or you can provide the food.


Calvary has a columbarium located in our historic chancel. To learn more about the columbarium, contact the church office at (512) 303-7515 or

Calvary's Services are Sunday's at 7:30, 9 & 11:15 AM