Serve on Sundays
Since liturgy is the work of the people, each of us has gifts we can offer in worship on Sunday mornings. Father Matt is glad to meet and help you discern the gifts you have for service if that would be helpful. We also encourage you to experiment and see what fits best. Formal training is offered regularly but you can also receive real-time training to help you get started. Most of our ministry team members serve once a month. If you want to serve on Sundays, reach out to Jamie McDonald at
Do you enjoy meeting new people and greeting folks on Sunday morning? Our Greeter Team arrives 15 minutes before the service to greet people, hand out Newcomer Bags & Kids Bags, answer questions and help people feel at home.
Ushers help people get what & where they need during Sunday worship. Ushers pass out bulletins as people arrive, help people find seating if needed, assist those with mobility challenges, receive the offering and guide people to the front during communion. Ushers also receive training in safety in case of an emergency.
Bell Ringer
For centuries, church bells have announced the beginning of worship. Ring our historic bell in the bell tower to call people to worship.
Lector & Intercessor
These are the fancy Episcopal words for those who read Scripture and lead the Prayers of the People during the service. In this role, you receive the Sunday readings during the week so you can prepare. Proclaim God’s word and pray for the church and the world during worship!
Eucharistic Minister
Our Eucharistic Ministers come up to the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer and serve the chalice during communion. If you are interested in sacramental ministry, this is a wonderful ministry for you.
Altar Guild
If you’re looking for a behind the scenes ministry that involves quiet and contemplation, the Altar Guild may be the team for you. Our Altar Guild, made up of both men & women, prepares the bread and wine, linens, candles and all of the other supplies needed at the altar for worship.
Coffee Host
Some people say that coffee is the 8th sacrament in The Episcopal Church! After uplifting worship, we gather in the Parish Hall to enjoy coffee, refreshments and conversation. A team of Coffee Hosts arrives before Coffee Hour to make coffee and set out the food they brought for the morning. Serving as a Coffee Host is a wonderful ministry of hospitality!
Godly Play & StoryMakers
As part of Safeguarding God’s Children and the Godly Play approach, we need two unrelated adults in the room for each Godly Play gathering. Serving as a door person is a great way to witness the power of Godly Play, grow in your own spiritual life and serve our children and families.
As children get a bit older, their lives and faith are deeply enriched by having adults other than their parents involved in their lives. As part of Safeguarding God’s Children and the StoryMaker approach, we need two unrelated adults for each StoryMaker gathering. You can serve as the second person, get to know our students, grow in your own faith and provide support to our StoryMakers team.