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Prayer & Care

Part of finding a place to call home is having people who care about you and walk with you during life’s challenging seasons. Calvary is a community that loves well and carries God’s love and presence into every situation.


There are two ways to receive prayer at Calvary. You can submit a prayer request for our Prayer List using the “Next Steps” button in the corner, which is published weekly in The Scroll and our Sunday bulletin. You can also email Robin Powell with the Daughters of the King (DOK) at rpowell0469@att.net to submit a more confidential prayer request shared only among DOK members so they can pray daily.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Sometimes when our world has been turned upside down and our hearts are broken, we just need to curl up with God, our pain and our prayers and the prayers of others. We have a dedicated team who knits prayer shawls to provide a physical, visible reminder of God’s presence and love. If you would benefit from a Prayer Shawl, contact Father Matt at rector@cecbastrop.org. If you can crochet and would like to be part of our Prayer Shawl Ministry, contact Penny Whiting at pennywhiting81@gmail.com.

Meal Train Ministry

In both the best and worst moments in life, people are moved to bring food as a way to help. Let’s face it – when you’re adjusting to life with a newborn, recovering from a surgery, or grieving the loss of a loved one, you need good, healthy food and you don’t have the energy to shop, cook, and clean. The good news is Calvary is home to some amazing cooks who love to help. If you need a Meal Train or would like to volunteer to join our Meal Train ministry, contact Jamie McDonald at jamie@cecbastrop.org.

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Calvary has a team of trained Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) to provide regular visits and bring communion to those who are sick, lonely, grieving or in need of extra love and care. LPAs meet monthly with Father Matt for continuing education and to share how those they visit are doing. If you would like to receive a visit from an LPA or if you are interested in possibly serving as an LPA, contact Father Matt at rector@cecbastrop.org.

Eucharistic Visitors

If you are unable to attend in-person worship, our team of Eucharistic Visitors would be glad to schedule a time to bring communion to you. Our trained Eucharistic Visitors bring bread and wine blessed on Sunday morning and share a short prayer service with you. If you would like to receive a Eucharistic Visit or if you are interested in possibly serving as a Eucharistic Visitor, contact Father Matt at rector@cecbastrop.org.