Next Steps

After your first visit, what happens next? 

Well, that’s up to the Holy Spirit and you. If Calvary feels like a place to call home for you, we can’t wait to get to know you, worship with you & serve our community alongside you. But we also know that while we are a church for anyone, we aren’t a church for everyone. Here are some next steps to take as you explore Calvary and discern whether we are the place for you to call home.

Be Our Guest

Come see what we are like online or in-person. Check out Coffee Hour. Meet some folks. Fill out a Connect Card.

Call, coffee or Lunch

Once you share your email, we will reach out and invite you to coffee or lunch. This is just a time to get to know each other, share stories, understand your journey and answer any questions you have about Calvary.

Newcomers Lunch

Once a quarter, Calvary has a Newcomers Lunch on Sunday after church. Over a meal, you get to share what brought you to Calvary, meet others who are new, hear from our clergy and Ministry Leaders about our values, mission and ministries and how you can get involved.

Calvary 101

Once a year, we offer Calvary 101, a course which explores Scripture, Episcopal worship, church history, The Episcopal Church & Calvary’s background and mission. While anyone can attend Calvary 101, it is especially important for those who want to be confirmed or received by the Bishop when he or she visits.

Finding Your Fit

God has given us each personality, gifts and talents to serve others. Finding Your Fit is a hands-on course where you can discover who God created you to be and what gifts you have to offer God’s church and God’s world.

Growing & Leading

With every step you take, you grow in faith, build relationships and trust, and develop your own leadership skills. Leaders are critical to a thriving church community. As you grow, we invite you to discern how God is calling you not just to serve but to lead others in ministry and service.