Music on Sundays

"Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.”

–Walter Savage Landor, 19th Century English Poet & Anglican

One of the ways the people of Calvary Episcopal Church offer worship to God and express our creativity is through diverse music both in our worship and for the wider community. Learn more about our vision for live music in downtown here.

We are one parish that offers two different worship experiences for people to connect with:

Contemporary ensemble

Our Contemporary Ensemble leads musical worship at our 9 AM service on alternate weeks and features our Director of Music Ministries Dr. Justin West on the piano. Songs you are likely to hear at this service are “How Great Is Our God,” “Glorify Your Name,” “Surely the Presence of the Lord,” and “I Saw the Light.” The Contemporary Ensemble meets for rehearsal every Wednesday from 5:45 to 6:45 PM. If you would like to join them or learn more, please contact Dr. Justin West.

The choir sings an offertory anthem during the traditional Service.

Chancel choir

Our Chancel Choir leads traditional hymnody at our 11:15 AM service on alternate weeks and is led by our Director of Music Ministries Dr. Justin West on the organ. We also have a Choral Scholar from the University of Texas Butler School of Music who provides musical leadership. Hymns come mostly from the Hymnal 1982 and you’re likely to hear hymns like “All Creatures of Our God and King,” “The Church’s One Foundation,” and “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.” The Chancel Choir meets for rehearsal every Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM. If you would like to join them or learn more, please contact Dr. Justin West.