Women at a table during discussion time at Adult Formation.

Christian Formation

Jesus does not call us simply to attend church. Jesus calls us to be formed and transformed by his Spirit, the word of God and life in community with others. Therefore Calvary offers a number of different formation opportunities throughout the year and you are invited to see which ones are the best fit for you.

Bible Study

This spring, we are studying the book of Exodus together in conjunction with the Good Book Club. We read the first 15 chapters in January and February and are on hiatus during Lent. Our study continues on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM on Zoom.

Lent & Advent Programs

During special seasons of the church year like Lent and Advent, we offer soup dinner followed by a program. This Lent, our theme is Behold Who We Are: A Sacramental People, and we are exploring the sacraments in the Episcopal Church. We meet in the Parish Hall every Thursday during Lent from 6-7:15. In the past, programs have focused on The Art & Science of Listening and N.T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope.

Calvary Reads

From time to time, we encourage the congregation to read a book together and gather to discuss it. Titles in the past have included The Book of Joy by Archbishop Desmond Tutu & The Dalai Lama, Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America edited by Catherine Meeks, God and the Pandemic by N.T. Wright, and Hail of Fire about the Bastrop Complex Fire by Randy Fritz.

For more information and these and other formation opportunities, sign up to receive The Scroll, our weekly e-news.

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