Baptisms are one of the great moments of celebration in a family’s life and in our church. At Calvary, we offer baptism on the following days of the year unless there are special circumstances or an emergency:

  • Holy Cross Day – Sun. September 15, 2024
  • All Saints’ Day – Sun. November 3, 2024 

Candidates for baptism are sponsored by one or more baptized persons and we baptize infants, children and adults. Since we affirm that there is one baptism, we do not practice re-baptism. 

Mother Amy offers an Exploring Baptism class before each baptism day so family members, godparents and/or those being baptized can learn about baptism, go over the baptism service and ask any questions they may have. You can find more information about Exploring Baptism classes in The Scroll.


In the Prayer Book’s Catechism, confirmation is the sacrament “in which a person makes a mature commitment to Christ and receives strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.”

Since a bishop must be present for confirmation, they are held once a year during the bishop’s visit. Calvary offers an Episcopal 101 class for those who intend to be confirmed sometime before the bishop’s visit (this round, the course will be offered Saturday, November 16, 2024. 

Bishop Kai Ryan will be visiting Calvary on Sunday, November 24, 2024 and Episcopal 101 will be offered in the fall. To find out more, contact the church office at (512) 303-7515.