Clergy Associates
Mary Robson (2024)
Karel Moseley (2025)
Dan Chamberlin (2025)
Maria Tuttrup (2025)
Don McCall (2023)
Sun Down Hunter (2023)
Joe Sills (2023)
Jacque Avent (2024)
Randy Fritz (2024)
Mary Robson (2024)
Peter Jurisich (Treasurer)
Our Leadership Structure
The Book of Common Prayer says that the “ministers of the Church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.”
Lay People
Those who are baptized are welcomed into God’s family, the church, for the purpose of doing good works using the gifts God has freely given. They are called to “carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.” The baptized are the body of Christ in the world and without them, there is no church.
That funny word ‘Episcopal’ comes from the Greek word for bishop. One of our distinctives is that we are a Protestant church that still has bishops. Bishops serve as the chief priest and pastor of a diocese (a group of churches in a geographic area), builds up the church, guards the faith, unity and discipline of the Church and ordains others to continue Christ’s ministry. You can learn more about the bishops in the Diocese of Texas below:
Priests are called to provide leadership to local parishes, serve as pastor to the people, administer the sacraments, share with the Bishop in overseeing the Church and speak blessings and pardon in the name of God.
Deacons are ordained to serve those in need and organize the people of God to repair the injustices and indignities of our world. Deacons serve at the intersection of the church and the world. In our worship, they assist bishops and priests in proclaiming the Gospel and administering the sacraments.